*Disclaimer - this article contains links to my Amazon affiliate account...But I have been recommending these products for years to many patients, and would never recommend anything I didn't truly believe in. Feel free to purchase these from your local baby store too!!*
Health and Safety
A humidifier - this is key for dry air, baby's sensitive skin, or baby's first cold! I recommend a cool-mist humidifier for safety.
The Crane Drop humidifier is easy to use and aesthetically pleasing
A nasal suction device - a Nose Frida is my go-to baby shower gift, but a bulb syringe will work too!
Nose Frida *do it!*
Bulb syringe, ideally one you can clean/see inside in case of germ growth
Nasal saline spray (made for baby's small noses)
Little Remedies is an easy-to find, reliable brand!
Two thermometers: One to take a temperature while they are sleeping, and one to check to make sure it's accurate (to take a rectal temperature - you will need to check a rectal temperature from 0-2 months of age!) Do not forget to label this as a rectal thermometer!
Digital Thermometer (for rectal temps)
Diaper cream
The key here is to have a really good barrier to protect the skin, so pick something nice and thick! There are a lot of good ones out there, so I'm not super picky here.
Boudreaux's Butt Paste, Triple Paste, Desitin are all great...but to be honest, I mostly just use Aquaphor (I put it on everything!)
Hypoallergenic lotion, soap, and detergent (Sorry, J&J, I never recommend your products)
Clients of mine swear by Tubby Todd all-over ointment for eczema/dry skin patches
I also love Aveeno, Dove, Cetaphil...but feel free to use what works for your baby!
Dreft is a great hypoallergenic laundry detergent!
Development and 4th Trimester troubleshooting
I love, love, love this travel baby play mat from A to Z adventure gear. Lightweight and packable, it promotes floor play wherever you are (park, beach, travel). Say no to containers and yes to the floor! It was also developed by a Colorado couple :)
White noise machine - for good sleep and baby soothing
Hatch, Dohm, and Baby Shushter (this one is portable!) come recommended by parents, but any speaker and a phone app will work too.
Swaddle or wearable blanket - helps soothe fussy babies in their fourth trimester (just stop with any signs of rolling over
Halo is a well-loved brand!
I personally loved this swaddle from Freshly Picked when Finn was really squirmy!
We now used a Nested Bean sleep sack (and used their Zen swaddle for a while)
Baby carriers
Osprey hiking pack - Great for hiking and when you'd like to carry a water bladder (so much storage) - for use when your child sits independently
Ergo embrace - We still use this at 7months but he's feeling a bit big for it which is sad because we have LOVED this carrier. Comfy, soft, easy to use
Boba wrap - We used this in the tiny newborn stage! He eventually didn't love being covered so much but it was great when he was little.
Breastfeeding help
Did I leave something essential off the list? E-mail me at laura@inspirepediatrics.com